Sacroiliac Joint (SIJ) Disorder
Our SIJ therapy begins with a detailed assessment of the pelvic girdle and legs, which includes evaluating the range of motion in the hips, measuring leg lengths, and checking hip bone positioning. We also assess symptom provocation and review your treatment and imaging history to create a plan tailored to your specific needs.
Treatment may include exercise therapy, pelvic realignment, muscular re-education, and muscular release through manual therapy. Both therapist-administered and patient-instructed manual therapy techniques are used. Additionally, habit modification strategies are provided to help address contributing factors and support long-term recovery.
Do You Have SIJ Issues? Take This Quick Symptom Screener
If you’re experiencing discomfort in your lowback or hips, you might be dealing with SIJ (Sacroiliac Joint) issues. If you answer yes to 3 or more of the following questions, you may benefit from physical therapy.
I have pain near the top of my glutes and/or groin.
I feel like I take uneven steps or that one leg is longer than the other.
A vague achy pain sometimes extends down my leg.
Walking feels better than standing.
I have issues with urinary frequency and/or bowel movements (constipation, urgency).